New Tycoon On The Block

D. Alexander Ross Real Estate Capital Partners Tackles the Real Estate & and Construction Industry

“So Mr. Ross, tell us the story of the Real Estate industry before Covid and after Covid, and your ambitions…”
Before Covid, the Real Estate Industry and the construction trades were in a blossoming state across the country and around the world.  Indeed, there were the beginnings of a bubble economy which would ultimately lead to a horrific adjustment in those particular industries at some point in time within the decade.  But Covid struck first in 2020, completely turning the industry upside down and creating massive unemployment and a complete stoppage to 100% of all projects, so much so that the impact of Covid created the following statistics:  between one million and 10 million workers in the construction and real estate industries laid off and the economic impact from stopped projects well over a 100 billion dollars, and as high as possible over 100 trillion in deferred infrastructure and maintenance projects worldwide.  But this created a silver lining from which an entrepreneurial hunger has risen, which has led to the beginnings of the cannibalization of the industries.  With that being said, this has led to my thirst to be a corporate predator in these two industries.  And one of my infamous sayings is “you’re either predator or prey…and I prefer to prey every day.”
In alignment with that agenda, I have decided that I’m entering the industries as a platform acquisition-acquirer (“acquisitioneer”) of companies in both the construction trades and the real estate diversified industries.  So my goal over a 48-month timetable is to build a 100 billion dollar consortia, which will have its tentacles on five continents, with a special focus on the four developing markets:  Africa, Asia ( i.e. India, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka), South America ( i.e. Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia), and the United States’ Inner Cities (i.e. New York City, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta). All of these areas will have approximately four billion people added to their populations over the next 30 years.

1) Intro to Me and Quick Background
The background that makes me suitable as an acquisitioneer includes everything from having certifications in mergers and acquisitions, certification in turnabout management, hands-on experience in corporate restructuring and financial engineering, deal-making, and deal structuring.  On the real estate side of things, previously licensed real estate agent and broker, CCIM, CPM, property owner, property management, real estate financial structuring and real estate bankruptcy restructure.  On the construction side, construction management, rehabilitation, both multifamily and commercial, subcontracting management, construction ownership, construction project management, and construction bidding and quotes.  

2) Why Maine?
This state is a fascinating state, in that it has a minuscule minority population, from which, as we look at its gigantic size, amounts to less than 15,000 black people in the entire state.  There are only about 700 small black-owned businesses, and of that number less than 25 are construction/real estate related.  So from my vantage point, Maine was chosen due to its governmental push to help expand the minority presence in the state, and provide economic opportunities and vitality to a state which has a huge potential for greatness in these industries.
So I see the possibility in this uncharted market for the ability to create as my Northeast base of operations, the holding company which will be centered in Bangor.  This holding company will have acquisition subsidiaries throughout the Midwest, Northeast, Atlantic region, Mid-Atlantic region, and including Southern states, making it the largest minority-owned real estate and construction based entity in both the Northeast and the U.S.  The holding company’s aggregated asset base will be over 10 billion dollars.

3) Contracting Business
The contracting business, based upon my goals, will be heavily focused on the rebuilding and renewal of infrastructure throughout the Midwest, Northeast, and Southern regions of this country.  So a large portion of our businesses will be governmental contracts in small to midsize cities.  The other portion of our construction business will be based upon providing the essential construction needs of urban inner cities, which will need everything from the construction of adult/senior housing, cloud technology remote buildings, flood and sewage treatment facilities, disaster reclamation, and everything in between.  The aggregate asset value of the construction business will be five billion dollars.

4) Real Estate Business
The real estate sector of our business will focus on real estate multifamily acquisitions, with the goal of acquiring projects ranging from ten units to over 1,000 units.  The multifamily sector will ultimately have over 50,000 units under our collective umbrella, including management and acquisition.  The other sectors of the real estate business will include office, retail, tech, medical, cloud storage, personal storage, industrial, land, raw land and vacant lots, and commercial and mixed-use buildings. That portfolio will have an acquisition asset base of over 5 billion dollars under control.

5) Global Infrastructure
Within the global infrastructure sector, there are vast concerns that we will focus our attention on in the markets of Africa, Asia, and Latin, Central, and South America.  Those things include the following:  multifamily, diversified technology, and communication, transportation, massive urban housing developments, massive office towers, as well as office parks, industrial, medical, educational, sports, recreation, entertainment, heavy construction sector (will include underwater construction, mining, bridges, roads, tunnels, rail, airports, shipping ports, flood and disaster reclamation, ocean land reclamation, infill and water treatment and sewer systems).  
So within the “G.I.” sector, the goal is to create in some cases, cities, which will be self-sustaining and ultimately speaking, providing the lifestyles to sustain the urban populations, which at their furthest extremities, will support by the year 2063 over ten billion people worldwide.  The holding group’s G.I. portfolio will have an expected asset base of well over one hundred quadrillion dollars by the year 2063.

6) My Goals Over the Next Two Decades
My goals over the next two decades are to put my signature on the global stage as a signature developer and property acquirer & owner, whose projects will house, entertain, and transport the undeveloped markets to become economic powerhouses by the year 2100.  With my motto of “We Create & Empower the Emerging Markets World”.

7) The 7/16 Program to Help Young People
The 7/16 Program is based upon my birthdate, July 16, signifying my struggles as a young person to find my footing in my life’s path and career aspirations.  It was befitting to create a program so that I could give back through my stewardship.  The responsibility of a steward is to give back after achieving great abundance and heightened prominence.  The object of the game is to educate young minority men and women, with a special emphasis on women of all nationalities, to pursue careers in construction and real estate that will take up the mantelpiece during my lifetime and after my death, to sustain the continuity of the developing world to become fully industrialized, like both the United States and Europe. 
                                    8) My Hobbies, Social Life, Dating Life, and Personal
My hobbies are…I am an extreme sports junkie!  I enjoy water sports like powerboat racing, jet skiing para and wind sailing, as well as winter sports such as snowmobiling and snowboarding, summer sports including polo, weightlifting MMA, boxing, and wall climbing.  
My social life is very philanthropic, centered around organizations like the Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, The Whitney Museum, The Museum of New York, The Museum of Jewish Heritage, and MOMA.  And as a benefactor to charities such as The Junior League, The Frick Society, and The Young Jewish Professionals.  
Currently, I am in the midst of relationships, an eligible bachelor looking for “Mrs. Right”…applications are being taken and interviews ongoing!  Feel free to reach out to me at and all other social media!

Clubhouse – dariusross@darrec

website –


